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Lisa Bohn, M.F.A.


Lisa is an Assistant Professor of Theatre at Arkansas State University, where she teaches acting, movement, voice, stage combat, dialects, fine arts theatre, and more. In addition to her work in the theatre department, she is also a Faculty Fellow in Professional Development for the A-State Faculty Center. For the Faculty Center she teaches faculty development courses in apps across the curriculum, online teaching, critical thinking skills and activities, pedagogy, Bloom's Taxonomy, assessment and student learning outcomes, and more. Originally from Chapel Hill, North Carolina, Lisa has her Bachelor of Arts with distinction in Dramatic Arts and English from the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, and her Master of Fine Arts in Acting from the University of North Carolina at Greensboro.

Elizabeth Allan, Ph.D.


Dr. Elizabeth Allan is a Professor of Biology at the University of Central Oklahoma and the Coordinator of the Secondary Science Education Program. She serves as the Director of the Central Oklahoma Science Fair and is an Academic Leadership Fellow at the university. Before returning to Oklahoma in 2005, Dr. Allan was the Director of the Western Carolina Center for Mathematics and Science Education, a part of the North Carolina Mathematics and Science Education Network and prior to that worked at the North Carolina Department of Public Instruction. Dr. Allan has been a classroom teacher in Oklahoma, California, and North Carolina. Dr. Allan has served as President of the National Science Education Leadership Association and the Oklahoma Science Teachers Association. Dr. Allan earned her Bachelor of Science at the University of Oklahoma and her Masters and PhD from the University of California, Riverside.


Patricia M. Shane, Ph.D.


Dr. Patricia M. (Pat) Shane, educational consultant, brings extensive leadership and teaching experience in education, focusing on STEM education and English literacy education. She has concentrated on improving K–12 education through her work as a classroom teacher, administrator, university professor, project coordinator, project evaluator, and science consultant. She served as the associate director of the Center for Mathematics and Science Education and clinical professor of science education at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill from 1992-2011. In addition to having taught at the middle level for 17 years, Shane worked as a middle school counselor and served as science, mathematics, English language arts, and reading coordinator for the Chapel Hill-Carrboro City (NC) Schools. She also served as president of the National Science Teachers Association (NSTA), the National Science Education Leadership Association (NSELA), the North Carolina Science Teachers Association (NCSTA), and the North Carolina Science Leadership Association (NCSLA), where she currently serves as Executive Director.During her career, Shane has presented at numerous science education and other conferences. In addition to other publications, she edited five NSTA books on science leadership. She received NSELA’s National Outstanding Science Supervisor Award and Presidential Award, the NCSTA Vi Hunsucker Outstanding Science Educator Award and Distinguished Service in Science Education Award, and the NCSLA Herman Gatling Award for Outstanding Science Supervisor.Shane earned degrees in biology (BS), counseling and guidance (MS), and reading education (Ed.S.). from Indiana University in Bloomington, IN and received her Ph.D. in curriculum and instruction, with concentrations in science and reading from the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill.


NSTA Workshop Resources


Some of you may have ended up on this site because you attended a workshop on using technology to support professional learning at a National Science Teachers Association Conference. Below are bios for the presenters, as well as copies of the resources and documents used and referenced during the workshop. Be sure to look around the rest of the website as well. Let us know if you have any questions or if we can help you further!



Professional Development Planning Checklist (.xls)

"Nuts and Bolts of Planning Workshops for Teachers" (.pdf)

Apps & Programs for Professional Development Events (.pdf)

Free & Inexpensive Science Apps (.pdf)

Workshop PowerPoint (.ppt)

Apps Across the Curriculum, AState (.pdf)

iPad Fundamentals (.pdf)

What's App, Doc?! Using iPad and Android Apps to Enhance Pedagogy (.docx)

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